Saturday, September 13, 2014

Metz will teach you a lesson in Architecture

Metz, (it is pronounced "mess" with an open e) is one of the most beautiful and charming cities of France. It is located in Lorraine, a highly disputed territory between France and Germany. It feels "Germanic" like a town of Bavaria. Very small and compact; I recommend maximum two nights unless you want to do daytrips to Nancy and Luxembourg, then it is possible to stay longer. 

If you are an architect or like architecture, then you will adore this city. Metz is an open-air museum for architecture styles. You can see Romanic, Neoclassical, Renaissance, Gothic,  Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Modern. Despite being so eclectic, everything works harmoniously, There are several monuments and buildings that have been declared cultural patrimony of France.

Metz has two main attractions. The first is the magnificent Cathedral of Saint-Etienne de Metz. It has one of the largest amount of stained-glass windows in the world. It is a Gothic masterpiece that you must visit while in Metz.  The interior reminds me the Cathedral of Cologne, since the main nave is so high that makes you feel very tiny. The second attraction is the Centre Pompidou, Metz. It was designed by Shigeru Ban, a Japanese architect, recipient of the Pritzker prize of Architecture, kind of the "Nobel of Architecture." There were very few people when I visited the Museum, so you can enjoy it at your pace. The Centre Pompidou Metz does not have a permanent collection. During my visit, they have a very interesting exhibition about the forms & shapes in Arts. The exhibition analyzes how different artists have incorporated forms from nature, mathematics and the human body into their works of art.

When in Metz, you should try the Quiche Lorraine, le flammkuchen (It is similar to a pizza without the sauce tomato) , the Riesling wine, and the tarte aux mirabelles (a kind of plum, that is yellowish and very sweet). Prices are high (French standards) so, eating out will cost you at least 15 euros per person (being very austere). You need to visit Metz market, they have delicious produits du terroir (local products) as well as a soup stand that it is well known in the region. If you decide to visit Metz, you should include Nancy as well. Nancy has one of the most beautiful squares in Europe.  

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